Channels can be open and private.

  Channels can be open and private. They have the same internal mechanics, but different ways of adding new subscribers. Let’s consider the following questions: how to create a public channel in Telegram; how to create a private channel in Telegram.

Private channel in Telegram

Not everyone can subscribe to such a channel. The only way t job function email listo get into such a channel is to follow the invitation link .

It is advisable to create a private channel if you need to control who the information is sent to. For example, through such channels you can send materials and cases to subscribers of a paid course.

In case of publishing an invite link in a public page and, as a result, subscribing to the channel of third-party users, it is possible to revoke the link using the channel settings. After revoking, it will stop working. All you have to do is find the person who leaked it.

Users who subscribe to a private channel can forward a recording to another person, conversation or channel, but other recordings will be unavailable to outsiders.

Public channel in Telegram

Such channels have a public link of the form

You can make a private channel public by using the Create public link button in the settings. Absolutely everyone can subscribe to a public channel. Before joining the channel, those who wish can view the entries added to the channel so far. You can unsubscribe.

It is possible to add a description (it should not exceed 255 characters). The channel is ready.

How to Create a Channel in Telegram: Step-by-Step Instructions for Dummies

    1. Let’s decide why you need a Telegram channel.

      When creating a channel, a person should know why he is doing it. For example, the goal may be to inform users on a certain topic (to a certain extent, educational program). However, this is not the only possible goal.

    2. We choose a topic or direction of the channel in Telegram.

      The main thing is to decide what kind of channel  serice platform that enables client to create in Telegram, or more precisely, what topic to create a channel on Telegram.

      If you have chosen the right channel theme, then you are guaranteed success. You can post jokes in gif format, post recipes for French cuisine, but there are a lot of such channels.

      The choice should be made on narrow topics and preliminary monitoring of competitors with the same channel topics. If there are not many of them, and you are sure that your content will be of higher quality and more interesting, then feel free to get down to business.

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    1. Let’s come up with a name for the channel.

      The channel name can consist of one or two words that evoke emotions and associations. For example, a channel dedicated to cinema can be called “Kinoklyacha”, a channel about experiences – “Byvshiy”, about journalism – “Pyanyi Editor”, etc.

      If you are a company owner, then name the channel the same, don’t reinvent the wheel. After all, you are going to promote your business with the help of the channel, aren’t you?

    2. Choosing a logo for a Telegram channel.

      The logo needs to be bright and noticeable. Keep in mind that the icons in Telegram are small, so it is undesirable for the logo to contain small details. It will be impossible for the user to see them.

      Only a designer can develop a high-quality logo.

      As with the name, company owners should use their logos as channel logos.

      The next part is purely technical in nature.

How to create a channel in Telegram from a smartphone

We offer instructions on how to create a channel in Telegram on iPhone and any other smartphone.

First, go to Google Play (for Android devices) or the AppStore calling list (for iPhone) and install the Telegram app. If you already have it, be sure to check for updates, as Telegram is constantly adding new things. There is a chance that several updated versions of the app have been released since you installed it.

After installi

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