Another unique feature of Facebook is the ability Since it has become fashionable to promote on Facebook, everyone rushed to this social network. A month later, many shrug their shoulders, saying that it doesn’t work: there are no subscribers, likes and reposts are minimal. They regret the time spent and go to Instagram or VKontakte. Promotion on Facebook actually works, but only for a certain category of business.
This social network is Another unique feature of Facebook is the ability
wealthy people (top managers, heads of large companies c level contact list etc.) of mature age. There is no point in promoting handmade bows here. Real achievements and innovations are in trend here. The principle of promotion on Facebook is the same, but with some advantages. We have described everything in detail below.
Facebook Promotion Goals
Facebook is one of the most visited social networks on the planet. That is why companies and individuals want to promote themselves on Facebook, because thanks to this they will be able to get a lot of new subscribers, loyal customers and, as a result, stable profit.
To launch an advertising campaign on Facebook, you need to understand who your target audience is, what tools and resources you will use. In Russia, this social network is one of the five most popular websites: 44% of RuNet users visit it most often.
As a rule, this platform is associated with
an adult and fairly well-off public who have a safeguarding health in conflict coalition’s report permanent job and higher education. For many, Facebook is an exclusively work tool. As for Russians, this social network is visited monthly by at least 10.3 million people (1.7 million daily). The reach of users from 13 to 65 years and older from the Russian Federation is 8.6 million people.
Only on Facebook can you launch targeted advertising using a special advertiser account. The settings include an advertising goal, which is so important for SMM. It is selected based on why and how you want to promote on Facebook. These can be tasks such as:
- Increasing brand awareness. To do Another unique feature of Facebook is the ability this, pages and individual posts are promoted.
- Attracting the attention of the target audience : make them visit the company’s website, install a mobile application, watch a video.
- Achieving a certain conversion level – uae cell number registration on a web resource or other target actions on it. This also includes the promotion of product catalogs.
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Facebook allows you to set very precise targeting. Only on this platform can you set up properties such as ethnicity, parents or generation. By the way, there are also a lot of options for setting up advertising on Instagram.
to automatically adjust the cost of