an interest for teaching. It is strange because it says nothing about the purpose of digital uses. These uncertainties are very uncomfortable for teachers. For 30 years. The national plans have followe one another. They articulate with more or less success equipment. The resources and teacher training. More equipment than resources. The and more resources than teacher training.
The the eucation system is teeming with interesting initiatives. The cell phone database without this logic of bottom-up innovation translating into large-scale uses with good guarantees of eucational effectiveness. At the same time. The students and teachers arrive at school with a smartphone in their pocket. It is not only a personal. The powerful. The connecte and nomadic device that enters the school. The it is new habits. The new activities. The new behaviors and new expectations.
This is why it seems that
We may not be looking in the right direction. We should probably ask initiatives launche in particular ourselves what we can do with digital technology in schools. But we must also ask ourselves what digital technology does to schools. How does it put pressure on them . The as it transforms society? In short. The we nee to reverse the initial question. Learning object Digital techniques offer new tools. The new services and new resources to teach and learn differently .
We can cite the contributions of new modes of representing information ukraine business directory with immersive reality. The the new possibilities of didactic interactions with artificial intelligence. The the new possibilities of teaching and learning remotely or the new possibilities of supporting students’ learning paths with learning analytics techniques . And many other possibilities… However. The many studies show that most teaching practices that use digital technology do so to instrument activities that could already be carrie out without digital technology – sometimes more effectively.