Yeah. And look for the small

Build in the time to have more fun. And it’s a hard enough job. You really, everyone works really, they put their all into it. Really build in that time and make sure the team does take a few minutes to have that break and enjoy each other’s company. And you’ll see that it will just have a tremendous impact on just the way that they see their role and the way that they help their clients and the way they help each other.

Gabe Larsen: (15:00)Yeah. And look

Okay. Love it. Love it. Chad?

Chad Horenfeldt: (15:02)

things. Look for those small things that nobody sees and celebrate those and call them out.

Gabe Larsen: (15:08)

Yeah. Small things. Through small things, great things come mobile phone number data updated 2025 to pass. I’ve heard that statement before. I definitely agree with that. So I’ll just finish by saying thank you, both to you. I think you guys are obviously part of this customer service week and it doesn’t go unnoticed I think from the leadership team at Kustomer.

Challenges sometimes that you

have with the ups and the downs, the good and the bad, but thank you for what you do and the engagement you push out to your team. And I’d say that it has technological support for our customer service week. It doesn’t go unnoticed. It’s a tough job and it has been extremely  be numbers tough in the last little while. Might not mean that much, but we see it. We wish you the best. And hopefully during customer service week, you got just a little

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