Witz, interpretation and enjoyment: P. Naveau reveals the perspectives of his teaching

L’Hebdo-Blog : Your teaching, at the ECF premises, aims to follow the thread that concerns the knot between the unconscious and the drive and enjoyment: . Taking as a starting point Seminar V, that of the structuralist Lacan, of the Other as the place of the signifier, of the games of metaphor and metonymy, does this mean that jouissance and the notion of a remainder not treat by the signifier are already contain in germ from this period of Lacan’s teaching?

Pierre Naveau: As J.-A. Miller point out in his 2016 Rio lecture, Lacan, at the beginning of his teaching, separat the technique of deciphering the unconscious and the theory of drives 1 . In this same lecture, J.-A. Miller emphasizes “an essential punctuation” relating to Lacan’s last teaching. By evoking “the mystery of the speaking body” 2 , Lacan indicates, according to J.-A. Miller, that “the unconscious and the

speaking body are one and the same reality

The fact that man speaks with his body implies that “speech, in return, affects the body in the form of phenomena of resonances  accurate clean numbers list from frist database and echoes”. In this regard, J.-A. Miller argues, “there is equivalence between the unconscious and the drive insofar as these two terms have a common origin – the effect of speech in the body”. “The unconscious in question,” he add, “is not  what are customer service channels? an unconscious of pure logic, but an unconscious of pure enjoyment.”

This movement thus highlight by

J.-A. Miller, which goes from a separation between the unconscious and the drive towards their equivalence, serves me as a reference, a point of support, a compass. This is why I announc, during the first evening, that I would start from Freud’s first texts on the formations of the unconscious and from Seminar V with the aim betting email list  of going to the very heart of the signifying articulation in order to surprise there the enjoyment that is at stake.  wife thus shows that it is the enjoyment of deprivation that prevails in the three-way game that is then being play. It is, in fact, propos to reread Seminar V in the light of Seminars XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII and XXIV .

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