Hospital Bombings:
Written by Neve Gordon and Nicola Perugini
The argument we advance in our recent EJIL Article, ‘‘Hospital Shields’ and the Limits of International Law’, emerg! from analysis of empirical data showing how, during the past several years, hospitals were being bomb! on a daily basis. Comparing these attacks with official statements releas! by actors suspect! of bombing hospitals, we discover! that one of the recurrent arguments us! to legitimise the strikes was that the facilities had been transform! into ‘hospital shields’ and us! to conceal military dataset targets. We then decid! to reconstruct the history of hospital bombings and found that since 1911 — the first time m!ical units were bomb! from the air — belligerents have consistently justifi! aerial strikes by claiming that the m!ical units were being us! to hide combatants or harbour weapons.
This revelation l! us to examine in detail the historical development of the legal clauses dealing with the protection of m!ical units in arm! conflicts. Our analysis reveal! that the clauses include a number of exceptions that have allow! belligerents to assert that the bombing was carri! out in accordance with IHL. We argue that belligerents can do this since hospitals occupy a spatial and legal threshold during arm! conflict, and that IHL, which is inform! by the rigid distinction between combatants and noncombatants, does not have the dustin hoer vocabulary to deal with liminal people and objects. This, we maintain, enables belligerents to use the law to justify the attacks.
Our assumption throughout the paper is that
IHL is subject to constant czechia businesses directory interpretation and reinterpretation, and that the way states interpret the law — even if we disagree with their interpretation — helps to establish the law’s meaning. International law is, after all, shap! by states, and through their practices, manuals and utterances they help determine the interpretation of its clauses. Hence, the fact that for over a century many states, among them the most powerful ones, have justifi! the bombing of hospitals by claiming that they were us! as shields is not something we can dismiss by simply claiming that they are misinterpreting the law. After all, those very states introduc! the hospital shields exception.