5 new consumer habits in the face of coronavirus (WITH DATA)

According to a study by Accenture , people are reacting to the health crisis caused by COVID-19 in very different ways consumer habits .

However, after intensive research into new types of consumption, they were able to identify 5 customer archetypes : the concerned, the individualist, the rationalist, the activist and the indifferent .

The worried consumer is one who feels fear or anxiety about the future, especially regarding their purchases.


stressed or anxious as a result

Did you know that security is just one of the elements that influence modern consumerism? Learn about the other 5 characteristics that affect consumer behavior .

The individualistic consumer is one who feels capable of taking care of his or her own well-being and generally does not  france telegram phone number list approve of government measures to combat the pandemic.

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Within the new consumer habits, this is the type of person who accumulates basic necessities , because he or she is highly influenced by the behavior of the majority (also known as the status quo ).

If you want to understand the purchasing habits of the individualistic consumer, you should read: 5 needs of the modern customer according to Maslow.

The rationalist consumer the number of users making  is one who maintains a calmer and more balanced mindset . Although he is very aware of the news, he knows how to separate useful information from rumors.

As for new consumer habits, only the purchase of recommended products , such as personal hygiene, cleaning and basic products, increased.

Want to understand the psychological tricks behind consumer purchasing habits? Read: 7 Elements

That Motivate Purchases According

The activist consumer is someone who seeks to support the community in which he or she lives. He or she is a very active person who participates in volunteer activities and values ​​corporate social responsibility .

Their new consumer habits  alb directory include shopping for other needy or vulnerable people , even if they are not close to their home.

Social responsibility is part of the new forms of consumption. Learn more about market expectations in: 11 strategies to influence consumer behavior .

The change in consumer behavior must be analyzed in a differentiated manner, according to the stages or moments of the pandemic, according to the country’s restrictions and the way in which the new normality is reactivated or begins.

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